Indoor electric on-road
RC car racing
Latest Updates
- Live timing from rc-results.comFrom Friday 17th January we’re changing over to RC-Timing race software. Live results can be found at https://www.rc-results.com/Viewer/Main/VenueMeetings?venueId=1139 for anyone trackside (or anywhere else).
- Videos from 10/01/25Sorry, but we have no video footage from the finals on Friday 10th January. We set the camera up and set it recording, but it shut itself down, probably due… Read More »Videos from 10/01/25
- 2025 Club MembershipsClub memberships have been revamped for 2025. Annual membership is £30 for adults and £15 for juniors. Alternatively you can join for a Summer or Winter season, giving you club… Read More »2025 Club Memberships
- 2025 BRCA LicencesDon’t forget to renew your BRCA licence before you race in 2025. We will be checking everyone’s licences before they can race. The BRCA has held prices at £25 for… Read More »2025 BRCA Licences
What We Race
We race three classes:
1/10th scale Touring Car, 17.5T Blinky motors and Modified
1/10th scale Touring Car, modified motors
1/14th scale Tamiya Trucks
When We Race
We race nearly every Friday evening (please check Calendar).
Doors open at 6:00pm and racing starts at around 7:15pm – sometimes a little later depending on the number of entries.
Racing usually finishes by 10:30pm.
What To Bring
On a club night we usually have enough tables, chairs and extension leads for everyone, though chairs and extension leads can run out during winter when we’re busier.
Please bring your own chargers and power supplies (not car batteries).
Where We Are
We’re located in the Sports Hall of Newbury College, Monks Lane RG14 7TD. (see Map)
To find the sports hall, enter the college through the metal gates, take the first turn right. Then take the penultimate left turn. The sports hall is then ahead of you a little to the right.
What it costs
Race fees for adults are £10.50 for members and £12.50 for non-members.
Race fees for Under-16s are £6.00 for members and £7 for non-members.
If you plan to race with us regularly why not become a club member? Annual membership is £15 for juniors and £30 for adults.