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General Rules
  • Latest BRCA rules apply at all times, except where club rules differ from the BRCA rules
  • Children under 16 should be supervised by a parent or guardian at all times
  • Abusive behaviour will not be tolerated
  • No shouting on the drivers rostrum
  • Drivers should be at their correct marshalling positions (the cone with your race number on it) more than 10 seconds before the start of the race they’re to marshall
  • A race class needs to have a minimum of 4 entries to run
Lipo Safety

At NRCC we take LiPo battery safety very seriously.  We insist that everyone follows these rules

  • Only hard-case LiPos are to be used in cars
  • LiPos must always be charged in a commercially available LiPo sack
  • There is a maximum charging and discharging rate of 15A
  • LiPo should never be used once they have started to swell

The club has red fire buckets filled with sand. These are to be used in case of LiPo fires or if you suspect a LiPo might catch fire.  LiPos smoking or on fire should be taken outside the building as soon as possible

General Car Rules
  • Cars must run complete.  Car with missing wheels or bodyshells should be pulled off the track
  • Cars should not have any loose screws or screws protruding from the underside of the car
Racing Format

For championship rounds, the racing format is follows

  • Three qualfying rounds, by qualifying by FTD (fastest single race time)
  • All qualifying rounds and finals are 5 mins
  • Finals will be for a maximum of 8 eight cars and for a minumum of four cars

Non-championship events may have a different race format, as publicised

Touring Cars

The Blinky class is for ESCs that have a 0 timing advance at all RPM, driving 17.5T motors. The speedos have a blinking light when switched on and in the neutral position.

The modified class is for any speed controller and motor combination.

The class is designed to provide close racing because all cars should have broadly similar straightline speeds.

  • Speed controllers must be on the BRCA’s list of blinky speed controllers and set up as specified click here for list. This list has been taken from the ROAR list and all these speed controllers have been tested to meet this specification.
  • Tyres must be rubber with a slick tread
  • 2 Cell LiPo 7.4v battery
  • 1320g minimum weight
  • If there are less than 4 Modified cars, these will run with the Blinky Cars

This class is for 1/14th scale trucks.  The aim is to have a budget class with limited performance and close racing

  • Trucks are to run the standard plastic Tamiya TT-01 orTT-01E chassis
  • Bearings may be replaced with metal ball-race bearings
  • Propshaft may be replaced with the alloy upgrade (part no 54026)
  • Motor mount plate maybe replaced with the metal upgrade (part no 53666)
  • Motors must be the Tamiya Torque Tuned motor in the kit. 
  • ESCs can be changed for Hobbywing Quicrun WP1060
  • Tyres must be the standard items.  Tyre cleaning, inserts and traction additive is permitted
  • Oil dampers may be fitted – Yeah Racing DSG-0050 dampers are recommended. Come in a variety of colours, complete with springs.
  • Any 1/14th scale truck bodyshell is permitted
  • Ribs on the chassis can be trimmed to fit lipo batteries
  • Steering links can be changed to allow proper front suspension movement.

This class is for 1/12th Minis with suspension. Eligible cars include models from Battcave and TWR

  • 2S lipo batteries and ESCs may be used.
  • Motor limit is 25.5T